hey hey! is time to clothes! this is the new pretty collection of #Overhigh, #TEXASCollection , come in furr vest,sweaters,tops,miniskirts,pencil skirts ,cute ponchos, scraft & pretty capes.Availables in full colours and amazing prints! are so awesome :D
Hey hey skinlovers!keep showings the news from #TheSkinFair is time to show the new three faces made by the miss Inka,everybody meet #Storm #Rain #Fortuna the three ones are so femmenist and sexies, availables in all six tones,are so pretties,run run to get ur fav.
Hey hey skin lovers! how are you,#TheSkinFair start and coming with many prettie news! Miss Aida for #GlamAffair made awesome pretty face everybody meet #Katra,are so adroableeee ♥_♥ coming in 12 different make ups, with two lips / nose options (layers) and her are available in 8 tones include the new one #PolarTone. Are completly cute face.so dont lose more time and run to get your own fav!!!
Hey dears! keep showing Arcade stuffs! is time to ATOMIC are really pretty, with the collection #SweetDeer , come with fur collars,necklaces,antlers,rings and flats in differents mini collectios Mossy,Romantic & Twilight(rare),are really pretty things.So dont lose more time and run for u own favorite.
Hey guys! sorry for my delay i have some really troubles in RL and i was sick the last four days,but i back today with all, try to show the most new for The Arcade (yes yes lil late dont hate me) Miss Nina & miss Tyr made this awesome collection #TheGamer,you could found there pretties foxeh/bunneh/unicorn(RARE) dress/hoodies ,cutes pet and texting/chating consoles are really really pretties,so like always I sey run to play for ur fav!