Hey !! heyy! im so happy with my new skin!!! yes yes is the new face @ Tableau Vivant, everybody meet Sean :3! are completly awesome :D have some different options to help you customize your as your prefer. some like brows, facial hairs, nose, etc etc etc :D just love et! and the most awaited news this season for the boys, hands & feets SLink's appliers! YAAAAAAAAY!!! *hands up* yes yes yes :D! now aviables in the mainstore the new appliers for boys, aviables in all tones of tableau skins :D! just amazing! dont loose time and run run for ur faves! WAVES!
h a i r >> ~Tableau Vivant~ Hill - Dreads n e w
s k i n >> ~Tableau Vivant~ Sean Skin n e w
f a c i a l H a i r >> ~Tableau Vivant~ Facial hairs n e w
e y e s >> {D.A} Nebula Soulless
t a t t o o >> [Ner .Ink] Tattoo Death Before Dishonor w / SLink hands applier n e w
s w e a t e r >> Overhigh - Kyle Sweater n e w
p a n t s >> CHEERNO Leather Brown Pants n e w
h a n d s >> SLink
s h o e s >> FLite. -Cinics Black Out
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