jueves, 20 de marzo de 2014

Meet Romy, new face of -Glam Affair- @ The Skin Fair

OHHH yus :3! Hallo,how are you guys?. i hope u are okey, today i will show you one of my fav skin for Skin Fair, of course from Glam Affair :3!!!, everybody meet Romy :3 is completly CUTE @__@ come with alot of layers for create your own face, come in the six tones of ever and the new tone (my new fav tone) Asia, six layers of brows,  five noses, five cheeks, four freckles, five beauty marks , eighteen eyesmake up divided into three packs, dark, lights and colors and forty lipsticks, divided into four packages, lips flowers, fruit lips, lips lips and goddes temptaion.
Apart from all the above, for this great event miss Aida, made ​​the corresponding appliers for boobs, cute azz, hands and feet SLink, but good news is the creation of appliers for Loud Mouth and the SLink Visage Head, are completely cute. As we always say, you should not waste more time and run to this event and buy your perfect combination. 

- T O N E S -

- E Y E S   M A K E   U P -

- L I P S T I C K S -

- L O U D . M O U T H    &   S L I N K . V I S A G E . H E A D -

- F R E C K L E S   &   B E A U T Y . M A R K S -

- N O S E S -

- C H E E K S -

- E Y E B R O W S -

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